Friday, November 13, 2009

Native American Religious Traditions

The Native American’s have many customs that are in contrary to many American customs. In many ways we differ in spiritual views and in many ways we are similar. Many of the members of various tribes have different religious views ranging from their traditional Aborigine religions to Christian.
Before the arrival of the Europeans to the new world Native American religious traditions originated from aboriginal culture. The way started their traditions is according to the method of acquiring food. Depending if they were nomadic which hunted and gathered or if they had a settlement and had a form of agriculture. With the wide range of tribes all around North America a range of different religions began to form. This mostly having to do with the varying landscape that would affect their habits.
With the arrival of the Europeans to North America everything changed for the Native Americans settled in the land. Millions died due to the different illnesses and diseases that the Europeans brought over from Europe. All of these diseases were fatal to the Native Americans due to the fact that they had never been exposed to anything of the sort. This shocked most of their systems and there were no cures for many of the diseases that they brought over. Not only did they bring diseases but they brought over their Christian views and began to spread the word of God. They began enslaving the Native Americans and exterminating them. Many of the survivors were forced to convert to their Christian views. The Europeans believed that the Native American religions were superstitions created by the devil.
Today there are many devout Christians with in many of the tribes around North America. The Christian values have been brought down through the generations. Many Native Americans, particularly in the south west region of the country, have returned or kept their aborigines values. Most of the Native Americans nowadays have combined both sets of belief systems into their own spiritual tradition. Even with the instilment of Christian values there is a movement called Pan Indianism that is trying to revert Native Americans back to their original Aboriginist and traditional beliefs. This growing movement seeks to unify the many tribes around the country by creating a common and unified Native religion.
The Native American Church which is a continuation of the Peyote Religion has encountered many issues from governments, Christian groups and various tribes. The peyote religion has been around for thousands of years. Although the Native American church was created with the idea to spread Christian values, the issues that the many different groups have with this religious group are one of the integral parts of the religious system. They have been using a cactus called peyote that has psychedelic properties. Many of the Christian religious groups and the government have its issues with this particular element of the religion. The peyote is used in a religious ritual and is only allowed to be used for the ritual. It is non habit forming and not harmful which is why the drug is still able to be used in these rituals. It is also protected under the United States constitution.
The use of sacred pipes, rituals, practices and tools is accepted with in most Native Americans systems of beliefs. Native Americans only take offense to the use of these practices for monetary gain, which has been particularly popular in recent years. These actions are what have been painting the Native Americans in a bad light and why many of the members are against the use for monetary gain.

Works Cited
Native American Customs and Traditions

Robinson, B.A. "Development of Aboriginal culture. Absorption of Native beliefs & practices. Tribal recognition." (2008). Religious Tolerance. 13 Jan. 2008. Web. 10 Nov. 2009. .

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